About Le Trait-d’Union

Welcome to the before and after school care program managed by the AFV. Our mission is to create an opportunity for children aged 4 to 12 to interact in French in a fun, stimulating and safe environment.

For any information, please visit our website by following the link below.

[button icon= »fa-arrow-right » target= »_self » hover_type= »default » text= »https://traitdunion5.wixsite.com/afva » link= »https://traitdunion5.wixsite.com/afva »]

For any questions or assistance with the registration process, please contact the service director, Ms. Marilyn Hervieux, at the following email address: traitdunion@afva.ca.

[service_table title= »Schedule » title_tag= »h2″ title_background_type= »background_color_type » icon= »fa-clock-o » icon_size= »fa-3x »]

  • Morning 7:00 am to 8:05 am
  • Evening 2:21 pm to 5:30pm
  • P.D. days 7:00 am to 5:30pm


[button icon= »fa-clipboard » target= »_self » hover_type= »default » text= »Registration form online » link= »https://afva.ca/en/registration-form/ »]
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