Association Francophone de la Vallée is a non-profit organization, incorporated since 2003, that promotes French language and culture in the Annapolis Valley (from Windsor to Digby).  By organizing activities and shows and by developing projects and workshops, the AFV hopes to meet the needs of the community and to create a sense of belonging.


AFV’s Mandates (in no particular order) :

  1. To represent the French-speaking community in the Annapolis Valley ;
  2. To promote the interests of the French-speaking community ;
  3. To facilitate access to a quality French education ;
  4. To encourage the use of French in the Annapolis Valley ;
  5. To enrich the social life of the French-speaking community ;
  6. To encourage the development of the arts in the French-speaking community ;
  7. To establish a cultural programming ;
  8. To contribute to the harmonization of relationships between individuals, organizations and cultures ;
  9. To promote the respect of linguistic and cultural differences.


Our Bylaws

Read the Association Francophone de la Vallée’s bylaws (document in French).

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